Why Join AGRE?

Whether you are in the first decade of your career as a regulatory educator or your sixth - you know diversity of perspective coupled with collaboration brings about strategic results.
AGRE as an organization works to bring impactful outcomes to regulatory education, to our member institutions and our individual members.
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AGRE offers institutional membership and individual membership:
Institutional Membership - $250.00 per year- for universities offering academic content in regulatory affairs and sciences. Institutional membership includes all membership benefits and two votes.
Individual Membership - $100 per year - is for a single regulatory education professional. This membership includes all membership benefits and one vote.
Please email the completed form to the AGRE Treasurer at agreglobal@gmail.com.
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Association of Graduate Regulatory Educators
Department of Regulatory and Quality Sciences
USC School of Pharmacy
1540 Alcazar Street, CHP140
Los Angeles, CA 90089
The Association of Graduate Regulatory Educators developed from a series of meetings, initiated in 2010, that brought together leaders of programs offering graduate training in regulatory affairs and regulatory science. From these meetings came the agreement to develop a formal organization with several goals:
to share best practices in regulatory education and promote the continued development of regulatory education as an academic discipline
to provide a forum for discussion of issues of mutual importance for educating stakeholders involved with commercializing products or services in the biomedical product and healthcare industries
to support the development of an organizational critical mass that is well-positioned to impact public policies that affect regulatory education in the US and internationally